What is Blockchain Technology?

Several scientific breakthroughs have paved way for the industrial and commercial availability of products and services that were just a dream. Now we can listen to music whenever we want, play games with people on the other side of the globe, and bet online using the Nairabet affiliate code – anytime, anywhere. Blockchain technology is […]

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What Is a Hackathon?

Like migrating birds, graphic designers, front-end developers, back-end developers, and project managers, among many others, come together to these events and code furiously until the end of the weekend. You may have heard the word hackathon before. This is where we dive into the subject matter in more detail. We will talk about what a […]

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The Issue of Robots with AI

There is a tendency to predict that, one day, machines will have very sophisticated AI and would inevitably either provide humanity with a paradise or a dystopia. While these ideas mostly appear in fiction, there have been multiple projects of designing and implementation of AI. We are going to discuss the possible implications of a […]

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